Acoustic Revive RR-77 Ultra low pulse generator

One more new baby in the family of esoteric tweaks, there is not much info on this product except for a a nice review in 6 moons audio, Working on the human body and psychic (the Schumann resonance) and treating your room acoustic...
I wish answers and comments from people who bought it and use it with succes!
Also how does it compare against the Quantum Symphony pro EMF Stabilizer who work close in the same way ???
Wich position is the best inside the listening room ?
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Moonguy, There are many places in my room where the Acoustic Revive sounds good, you will just have to experiment.

The cord that comes with the KingRex power supply is about 5 feet long. Just a standard cord. The KingRex has a detachable IEC, so if you need a longer cord it is easy to change.
However, the DC cord that connects from the Acoustic Revive to the KingRex is only about a foot long. I bought a special made 8 footer for this connection, I suppose you could buy longer or shorter ones.

I bought the KingRex from Obad Imports, good people.
778-997-5274 speak to Sasha.

I turn off the KingRex power supply every evening which shuts off the Acoustic Revive. If I was just using the Wallwart power supply it would be hard to turn the Acoustic Revive off since it sits on top of my center channel, which sits on top of my Sony 60".
In that case, I would leave it on, except for long trips away as Tbg noted.

Cheap Acoustic Revive Upgrade:

I just experimented with placing 4 #1 Vibrapods under the feet of the Acoustic Revive, it really increases the performance. Pretty cheap tweak.
I would like to know what others think of this tweak.
I am confused about the kingrex power supply. I have had an RR77 for a few years now and I can say that it has a subtle impact on my system and me!

How do you feel the power supply effects the rr77? I understand the concept of a better supply in audio, but does the RR77 really become "better" with a nicer supply.
Yes, it does. The KingRex power supply is a piece of Audio equipment.
Best I can descibe it, it makes the effect stronger. Some have compared it to having multiple Acoustic Revives RR-77 in the same room.

The first few days when I tried it I thought it was too strong. I would play it for a while and then plug in the wallwart plug and then the KingRex and so on, back and forth. I was going to sell it.

I eventually realized that by just leaving the KingRex on for a longtime evens and hightens the effect.
Hi Ozzy,
very interesting. I am not sure which is cheaper a new power supply or another RR77.

I have noticed that when I move the RR77 it gives me a very strange feeling almost like butterflies in the stomach. When this happens (i am not mad by the way!) I find the system becomes very clear and rich sounding. The same happens when I put a CD on top of the RR77 and usually if left for a while then played its more again. Very strange. I have no idea why this should be.

I have not tried switching the RR77 on and off I generally leave it on all the time. I have not died... yet!
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