Sure you can. You can walk into a room que up Strunz & Farah Rainmaker and you can tell the difference between 33.3 and 33.0.. No you can't..
Event if you heard that song just 5 minutes before and you had never heard it before. Maybe IF it was a normal tune you've listened to for 30 years every day.. You might be able to, maybe.
Still it doesn't mean a hill of beans. It's playback, it's gone as soon as it plays, so to speak. It's not etched in stone at 33.33333. If you were using it for mixing a track and you really needed to to be 29 rpms VS 33.33. Yea speed control is critical.
And just maybe you're that good. I'm not.. Guess what for playback I don't need to be.. WOW, flutter, rumble. Yes.. .5 RPM NO.
Heck I might just play something at 30 rpm just to mess with the wife. I walk real slow and talk at about 30 rpm. I ask her if she is all right and do I need to call 911. :-)
I've known her for 50 years of course I mess with her..