Acoustic Treatment or Cable Upgrades?

Let say if you have $2000 to spend. You room is pretty live and you're using Home Depot or Radio Shack Cables. Would you spend your money on cables or Acoustic Treatment?
Actually JCAudio, I should have thought of that myself.

There are good buys used on acoustic treatments and decent audiophile wire as well. I agree that they could both fit comfortably inside the 2K mark.
If you don't mind buying used or getting your hands dirty ( DIY ), you could probably treat your room ( first things first ), buy some better cables AND go to Dairy Queen or Tastee Freeze with the change. With all of this heat, a LARGE root beer float sounds good right about now : ) Sean
Where can I find used ASC or Echobusters...Can't ever seem to find them on Audiogon.
You will just have to search the various audio sites and wait until some are available. I recently had a guy offer ASC Tube Traps for $75.00 each. Probably due to the fact that I paid cash and he did not have to hassle with finding boxes and shipping them.

There are posts here in Audiogons archives concerning DIY room treatments, and even a few good books on the subject. Much of the mystery of these specialty products are just in the assembly of common products such as fiberglass and transparent cloths.