suppose you could not access a "linearizer", would you then try to set up as color-free stereo system as possible, or live with a euphonic, softe sounding stereo system which loses some resolution and focus ?
< Mrtennis,
Now you've got me cornered.. No doubt and without question I'll go with the later. As I want to be able to enjoy 80% of my beloved cd collection, more so than the remaining 20% of the audiophile varieties which I don't really care for that much anyway. I may choose the first "IF" given most discs available in the market are recorded flawlessly, but in real world, I'm afraid that's far from reality? Though I must say vast improvements have been made with some of the more recent releases, but still, what to do with my treasured collections of past..? So for me it's still have to be the later! Live, yet softer euphonic musically satisfying set-up.. ;)
< Mrtennis,
Now you've got me cornered.. No doubt and without question I'll go with the later. As I want to be able to enjoy 80% of my beloved cd collection, more so than the remaining 20% of the audiophile varieties which I don't really care for that much anyway. I may choose the first "IF" given most discs available in the market are recorded flawlessly, but in real world, I'm afraid that's far from reality? Though I must say vast improvements have been made with some of the more recent releases, but still, what to do with my treasured collections of past..? So for me it's still have to be the later! Live, yet softer euphonic musically satisfying set-up.. ;)