Acurus RL11 Mods

Does anybody know who does the upgrade modification to these units?
There used to be a guy on the audiokarma site under Mondialfan (Kevin M) who did them. Also Ken Ealey, tho he seems to have disappeared. The Mondialfan guy also sold a kit on Ebay. I got the kit last year and had a local tech do the work on my RL11. It was worth the money as it became much smoother,  less bright on highs, got a darker background (very quiet pre) and became more transparent and dynamic. Stopped me from buying a new preamp as it really was improved. There are a couple of sites where you can find via Google upgrade/mod recommendations. My sense is a good tech can do them easily. PM me if you want the Ebay guys info.
Thanks for all the great information. If you can give me that Ebay information that would be great. Thanks again.
I would LOVE the contact info, as well... I've got an RL-11 that was collecting dust, and I'd like to put it back into service again. I remember it had issues with the high's... almost screechy at times.
I just received a rl11 and am interested in contact info regarding mods so do pass that info on to me if you would.