adaptors for BNC termination to RCA

I have Wireworld video component wire with BNC at the DVD end. THis worked fine for my Theta but now I have an Esoteric DV 60. Does anybody know where I can find adaptors to make the connection. I also tried HDMI and so far can't get the communication with my HDTV to work. Any help out there??? thanks
I am not sure about the DV-60, but on the DV-50, their is a switch near the DVI out for off and two different output settings, maybe you have it off??
.." I also tried HDMI and so far can't get the communication with my HDTV to work. Any help out there??? thanks"<<

Ken ... It looks like A/gon member Elizabeth may have the answer to your problem ... see her post below that I dug up in the archives ... also you can search the archives under "handshake" for more posts on this subject

Good Luck, Dave

08-09-06: Elizabeth
ok, if you connect a HDMI cable and have the DVD player on first, so the DVD player cannot get a signal back from the device (the 'handshake') the signal is being sent to, the HDMI cable connection may:
1) not work at all.
2) may only send low res piture and audio info.
The HDMI connection is designed to require a conversation (a so called handshake) between sender and receiver to allow hi-def signals to pass.
IF no such conversation takes place, the sending unit is to automatically downconvert the signal. This all depends on the exact impementation of the devices and the implementation of the HDMI system in the various machines.
My experience was when the Denon DVD-2910 was on first, (the FIRST TIME EVER) before the Plama SOny TV was on.. The connection did not work at all.
After being pissed and such I finally SHUT OFF the DVD and disconnected it. Then turned on the TV first and on the correct selection. THEN when the DVD was turned on, the 'handshake' signal was completed and the HDMI cable worked fine.
Once this handshake is completed, you do not have to worry until the units are disconnected.
If you got a connection and the pic looks so-so, try disconnecting the power to the sending unit, so it forgets, then turn on the receiving unit and THEN the DVD ot tuner, and maybe the connection will decide to work properly.
Of course, some folks have never had any problem... blah blah.. but if you DO... this is why.
This is very interesting and I'll give it a try. Today(while nursing the Flu and therefore having zero patience)I brought back the HDMI cable to check it. Of course it is fine. The owner gave me another DV 60 to bring home(which worked fine in the store with HDMI). Of course,it doesn't work either. I put on a component cable and that works fine. I just want to throw it all away!!! The owner is coming over my house later to pick it upand take a look but i'm going to bed for a few hrs. Thanks so much for your help!!! ken