Add a Subwoofer to my Vandersteen 1ce s or replace with Revel Concerta2 F36

Hey Audiogon community,
    Perhaps you guy can help here. I have a VPI Scout with Sound Smith Zephyr III Cartridge running into a Musical Fidelity v-LPS that runs into a NAD VISO 5 Receiver and back out to a pair of Vandersteen 1ce's. Since I recently bought the Zephyr III, it revealed some inadequacies, and I am in upgrade mode. My audio advisor from Brooks Berdan suggested I start with the speakers. Mind you, I Love my Vandersteens but wish there was deeper bass realism. I have been listening to the Revel concerta2 F36  recently with a Cronus Magnus powering them via some entry level Oracle turntable. I like the F36 a lot, and feel like they would give me more full range dynamics especially on the low end. I am looking at upgrading to the Rogue Cronus Magnus soon as well. And am hoping that upgrading to the F36 is the smarter choice than adding a sub that would seamlessly integrate. Any thought would be appreciated. Thank you.
I know Ctsooner will protest, but I know a salesman at the place I bought my Treo CT's from, and he feels the Treo Ct with a pair of 2Wq's will out-perform a pair of Quattro's. This arrangement with subs gives you (8) eight inch woofers compared with the Quattro's (4) eight inch woofers. For what it is worth. The Quattro has frequency equalization whereas the subs give you the best placement. Pick your poison....
Not protesting at all.  I do buy into 4 subs being better than 2 for any bass problems, but the EQ that Richard uses is special and that's one reason we love the Quatro's (well some of us).  It all depends on the room I think.  My Treo's weren't CT's, so the Quatro upgrade made sense, plus my wife would never have said 'oh sure, you SHOULD have two more large boxes in the room", lol.....  

I will say that adding two of the 2w's to any speaker may be the best quality bass you can buy under 10k.  It's not the deepest or earth shattering bass that some of the boxes make, but it's moves a ton of air still and has the best quality of bass I've heard anywhere near it's price range.  To add that bass to a pair of 2'
Fully understand.  Get what you can afford and love them.  The differences are not as huge as some make them out to be.  I'd be very happy with any of the Vandersteen speakers with good electronics.  
mr_m I guess you’ll have to make it as the "boss" permits. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the Treo CTs with one 2wq. Adding a second will open things up even further. One of the nicest benefits of stereo subs is totally freeing your main amp from powering the deep bass. Your Treo CTs will sound even more dynamically alive.

I was listening at a new audio buddy’s place last night. He has Martin Logan Electrostats mated to two M-L subs. He’s powering the system with a 200 watt Audio Research tube amp. WOW. I have never heard any electrostatic system with the richness and dynamics I heard there. A real "you are there" experience.