Add-on improvement to analog-only CDP?

I have a vintage 1986 dbx CDP with only analog outputs. The dbx processing circuits generally make this old timer sound better than most new CDPs I've heard, but its still a bit harsh. Are there any improvements I can make to it, or add between it and the preamp, that don't involve a soldering iron or megabuck cables.
10lb plate on top
KAB sonic domes instead of stock feet
power cord (can buy belden 19364 ready made & may just plug in---this will make the largest difference).
I have an old 85 vintage CDP I use in my work office. I found interconnects that smoothed out the sound considerably. Specifically the old MIT PC Squared. I found it interesting that an old (technology) pair of cables would make an old CDP sound great. It may not be an accident. The PC Squared were a little dull with modern equipment. It makes some sense that they would have been tuned to make components of their day sound good.
two pieces of equipment that have received some attention regarding making digital equipment sound more analog-like are the Taddeo digital anecdote II and the Margules ADE-24. i am currently testing the ADE-24 and will report back once the unit has broken in. the price difference between the two units is quite substantial. the taddeo is (i believe) around $1K and the Margules product is $190.

Gregg what exactly are these devices that you mention & what do they do? Some kinds of filter / processor/ outboard DAC? I'll be interested to learn more from your report! thx