Add Preamp to Berning ZH270

My gear has VPI TNT6-HR table and JMW 12.5 arm, Transfiguration Temper W cartridge, Manley Steelhead phono pre, Berning ZH270 amp connected directly to the phono pre, Merlin VSM-MX with super bam, Cardas Golden Reference ICs and Golden Cross speaker cable.

My room is 500sqft*9ft(high).

Usually I turn the Berning's volume control to 10 to 10.5 o'clock and turn the Steelhead volume to the highest. When I listen, I always feel that the BASS is shy.
I want to try to add a preamp to see whether the BASS can be impoved. I can add either a passive or an active pre, i.e. Placette or Joule LA150.
Anybody have tried this and what are the results?
Any suggestions?
i use the placette 3 input passive with my berning, using a half meter interconnect. dynamics and bass are outstanding, though my system was not bass shy to begin with, and the berning sound is preserved.
i tried the placette after running my source directly into the berning for a while, and kept the placette. the most noticeable difference in my system was more detail retrieval and superior soundstage, both probably attributable to the superior volume control in the placette.
with placette's money back trial period, you may want to try it.
Try other cables than Cardas Golden Reference ICs or Golden Cross speaker cable. I recommend you to at least try Stereovox LSP/SEI.