Add subwoofer to current speakers or upgrade?

I am considering upgrading my speaker system. Currently I have Vandersteen 1B's powered by Classe' CAP-151. I have looked at adding one REL Storm subwoofer to the 1B's or upgrading to the Vandersteen 3A's. I don't think at this time I can go with the Signatures, although I'd like to. The stereo is setup in the basement which is fairly large. I would appreciate any suggestions on this. Thanks in advance for your thoughts. Happy listening!
Ag insider logo xs@2xmaxsound2000
I think the more important question would be the difference between the 1B's and the 3A's at the mid/upper fqz's. While I'm sure the 1B's would sound great with a sub, will they offer as large across the board upgrade that the 3A's would?
I think not, just my opinion though.

Unless you listen to organ music (like I do) or movie sound effect stuff, I think it will be better to upgrade to the best Vandersteen can offer--save enough to make this move, and you will never regret. REL Storm is a very good sub, no doubt. Matching speakers with sub seamlessly can be a challenge.
IMHO a subwoofer is the last thing I would want to bother with and like the 3A idea, which sogood51 mentions would have the better midrange too.