Add to Wedding Registry?

In the last 33 years since I gave my X a dishonorable discharge I have steadily slid into that male condition sometimes referred to as unmarriable, untrainable and “too set in my ways”.  I often reminisce that once upon a time I may have been widowed had she not been so nimble.

This afternoon I was shopping for Mogami 3103 12 AWG speaker cables on Amazon and was impressed that the option existed:  “Add to Wedding Registry.”

I still have a silver tea service that I have never used once in the last 45 years.  At least quality speaker cables are something almost everyone can use.  “Honey I’ve been looking over our Wedding Registry and made a few minor adjustments, just want you to know.”

I wonder if one can add a deer rifle to a wedding registry?

Yes life is still getting better every day.  It may be too late for me, but if I can pass along a little bachelor wisdom and make the world a better place….

deer rifle = 308 nato

dear rifle = 338 Winchester Mag
When I was 19 years old I shipped out on the river boats that travel from Pittsburgh to New Orleans. One is gone for 30 days at a time. The more experienced guys would ask if you have a girlfriend, do you have a picture, and oh, by the way you know what she is doing while you are here making a living?

So I consulted the local expert, one fellow deckhand who had been married and divorced seven times by the age of 35 years. It turns out that he had been the victim of a cheating wife. He came home early and found his wife in bed with another man.

I asked him which one did you shoot first?

What he told me I found instructive, practical and wise. He simply reached into his pocket, threw a handful of small change on the bed and said: “Here, go get your self a decent lay.” The he walked out and never looked back.

I’d rather be shot than insulted like that, but when I needed a little wisdom and perspective I found his story to be inspired. No woman is worth 20 years to life.

@bdp24 yes I did, make me an offer? I’ll put it on Audiogon.