Adding Esoteric G-03X Clock to X03-SE cd player


I've got an Esoteric X03-SE cd player and am considering getting the G-03X master clock. Has anyone heard this combo, and can you tell me what improvements you heard?
IMO, I agree with Audiofel..If your dissatisfied with the 03SE and what your hearing then I suggest looking at all the other components in your system first.
My personal listening experience on the TEAC line is largely limited to Esoteric single box X-01 Limited, X-01 D2, and P-03/D-03 combo players. Heard these players by themselves and with G-03 G-0S, and some 3rd party clocks. Clocks appeared to have significant audible benefits on the combo players, but negligible effect on the X-01 single box units if at all.

It has been suggested that this might be systemic, at least on Esoteric players.... Clocks may not be effective on Esoteric Single box unit in general... but I have no proof of this statement. Bill Feil has much more experience than I do on the whole Esoteric line, and perhaps can shed some light on the admittedly murky clocky issue.
The only comment I'll make in this thread is it's ridiculous for somebody with extremely limited Esoteric experience to suggest that a cd player should not be purchased without an external clock.

Actually it's not ridiculous.

It's ignorant.

Dealer disclaimer

Obviously you have been misleading a lot of yor customers.

I suggest you take a flight,go to Japan.You would find that MOST Japanese Esoterics owners will Use their machines with a n external clock..Now,the improvements ina well set system[by someone who obviously know how to set a system} is not subtle.It removes the digital grudges out.To some,this is crucial;but to you ,obviously this is not important.

If you are Really a dealer for Esoterics why not contact them yourself and find out for certain.Obvious to me now you are not as experience as you make out to be,

these are the improvements you would expect from adding an external clock;

1.More naturalness i.e. closer to analogue .This you would not be able to hear if you use class D amp.

2.More air and space around the instuments.

3.Better timing to the music.

as you can seen ,these are not slap in your face differance that dealers generally love to demo,but crucial IMO to long term system satisfactions.

Generally ,the above benefits are seen in most digital player,BUT more so in Esoterics machines.

Most Esoterics owners in Japan match their gears with Tubes amps,(Not digital amp )