Advice on speakers for Rowland Corus/625

Now building a second system for use in Europe: smaller rooms (20"x20") and solid walls. Primarily opera and classical.
Have selected Rowland Corus/625 amplification with Weiss DAC 202 front-end.
Looking for advice on speakers given room size and (relative) lack of current of 625.
Concerned Wilson Sasha will not be driven well by Rowland. Sophia 3? Vienna Klimt Music, SF Amati Futura. I will be trying for auditions but fragmented distribution is not so easy there.
Constructive suggestions from the more experienced are welcomed!
Muzik is a 4 Ohms design with 91 dB efficiency. I have driven Die Muzik with Rowland 625 for several months with excellent results. There is no obvious lack of authority in Muzik driven by M625, even though M625 yields a theoretically moderate 300W and 20A peak current.


Disclaimer -- Reviewer
Thank you Guido.
Am I correct in thinking that 625 will struggle with the Sasha? My amateur understanding is that you need current to deal with low and difficult impedance.
PNCD, I use M625 on Vienna Die Muzik, which appear to have very similar ratings as Sasha: 91dB, 4 Ohms. The combination does not suffer from obvious lack of power. On the other hand, applying to the Sashas something with even greater torque may yield even greater authority. Guido

Have you ever tried Marten speakers? They are quite easy to drive and place.
As to me they have the most open and clear sound. Don't know how it will sound with JR but expect something magical. I will definitely find out in te near future......