Advice on Tonearm/ Cartridge combo

I've recently started using a SME 309 Arm on my SME rig, which is pretty low mass arm (9.5g).  The only cartridge I use and have is a Koetsu Black Goldline, which is a very low compliance cartridge around  (5 X 10-6cm).  I've been trying to make this combo work but these two just don't work well together, there's some resonance and distortion, especially with heavy piano chords.  Obviously I have change either the tonearm or cartridge.  Does it make more sense to get rid of the low compliance cart and get a more suitable cart to go with the SME arm, or should I trade in the arm for a heavier one that is more compatible with more carts.   

Koetsu Black Goldline is superb on my Origin Live Conqueror arm. Absolutely no problems with anything, anywhere, ever. Before the Koetsu, it worked wonderfully with a Benz Ruby. 

FR64S is a great suggestion. Also the Audiocreative Groovemaster II for a new high mass arm.