Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2

Looking for insight from folk's who have compared these two pre's either head to head
in the same system (preferably) or experience with both in different systems.

I'm not looking at any other pre's at this time,
so please don't muddy up the thread with other pre's I should consider.

Thanks in advance...
All, just yesterday I spent three hours comparing the ARC Ref 3 with the VAC Ren Sig II. Front end was supplied by the new DCS P8I single box player and by the Accuphase DP-77. Ref 3 was stunning and had no obvious problems driving the relatively low input impedance (22K Ohms) of the Rowland 302. Amazingly DCS P8I was also extremely good when driving the amp directly. You will find my rather detailed findings at:
See you all there. Your opinions welcome!
What are your impressions of the Aesthetix Calypso?
How does it compare with your ARC LS-25?
Does it have good synergy with your JC-1 monoblocks?
Thanks a million.
Jafox & Jadem6,
Am I correct in assuming that you are both in Minnesota? Maybe WBL, judging from the stuffed animal I saw in photos of one of your systems. If so, may I ask where you listened to/purchased your Aesthetix products? I'm in Minneapolis. Thanks!
Hello all,

My apologies for not updating sooner, but the reason I have not updated to this point is because the unit had an unacceptable amount of tube noise with the stock Tesla 12ax7's
when I received it, one channel being louder than the other and audible from the sweetspot (13ft from speaks). You can imagine my dissapointment as I was under the impression that these tube issues were no longer a problem with this unit. I did listen to quite a bit of music over last weekend and was pretty impressed, but a fair assessment at this time would be unfair. I am still waiting on warranty replacement tubes which I should receive today. I also have in my possession GE Longplates, Brimar CV4004 and Tungsram 12ax7's on loan from my dealer to play with. I have briefly tried all three of these tube sets and they are all much quieter than the stock Tesla's, probably by 50-75%(whew!). But I feel it would be premature to comment on the pre or any of the tube sets at this time as I just haven't been able to spend any quality time with it. The one thing I will say is that it is an extremely beautiful piece of equipment and the build quality is second to none.
I will have my way with it this weekend and update on Sunday or Monday.
Rja, is WBL White Bear Lake? John, Artg and myself are in the western suburbs. We all met recently and have found a strong three way friendship. Speaking for myself, we would love to add another member to our group of friends. In fact we are about to begin a power cord shoot out on our three systems, maybe you would like to join. I have found having local Audiogon friends has brought this wonderful hobby to a whole new level of enjoyment. What a great world! Why don't you email me privately and I'll give you my phone number...

PS, The bears is just a friend. He happens to love music so he and his friends (I collect bears) all love the music room. Besides it gives my someone to talk to. :>)