Aesthetix Calypso vs. ?

I have this on loan from my dealer, and am wondering what other preamps I should try within this price range.

I think the Calypso betters my BAT 3iX, without the 3iX's somewhat closed in on top and darkish midrange.

The 3iX does seem to win in the midbass, and I still very much like the its overal soundstage presentation. I'm wondering if I should try some tuberolling with the 3iX before I give up on it. I just have the standard Electro-Harmonix 6922s in it right now.

(I tried some Tung Sol 12AX7s I had in the closet in the Calypso. Lovelier midrange and deeper soundstage than the Sovteks, but too much hiss).
Since you are asking such a broad ranged question you are likely to get responses all across the board unless you further define your requirements and preferences, such as balanced-XLR ins/outs, display, remote, tubed or SS, active vs. passive, maximum output impedance to go with your amps (or list the amps), etc. For example, several I have owned and found to better the Calypso (to my ears) included;
Lamm LL2 Deluxe,
CAT Ultimate MkII, and
Tom Evans Vibe with Pulse
Thanks, Mitch.

* I would prefer balanced or at least an XLR output, since my amp is XLR only, but I'm not doctrinaire on that point.

* I'm leaning toward tubes, but want mostly want to avoid a lean or dry sound.

* A passive would have to offer at least two inputs, since I still listen to records.

* The input impedance of my amp (a BAT VK-250) is 100K Ohm.
I thought the Calypso sounded good but lacked dynamics. I preferred and use the PCA-2 by PS Audio.