Aesthetix IO Eclipse


I'm seriously considering this Phono preamp (with the additional line input and volume control), and would like to get in contact with potenial owners of the IO-series from Aesthetix. I believe the IO is what I'm looking for sonically (and I love the design and user experience). But, I'm slightly concerned about earlier reports of noise/hum issues, as well as riability and the practical side of things related to tube life and generated heat.


- Is the IO Eclipse (still) up there among the best on the market?
- Will the possibility of driving a poweramp directly offer any disadvantages, or be as good as or better than a separate preamp of the same caliber?
- Are the tubes worth the expense, effort and potential hassle...?

What I'm looking for is a high degree of naturalness, musicality and flow combined with great dynamics and a large, holographic soundstage.

My system:

Brinkmann Bardo + 10.5 tonearm + Pi-pickup (Analog)
Audio Aero La Fontaine (CD/DAC/Pre)
Karan KA M2000 (Monoblocks)
Sonus Faber Futura (Speakers)
Kubala Sosna Elation (Cables)

After much research and soul searching during the last couple of months, I'm going to make a final decision this weekend, where the final battle stands inbetween the discussed IO Eclipse and the Pass Labs XP-25.

In the right corner:

Aesthetix IO Eclipse with dual power supplies

+ the beauty of tubes
+ superior build quality and aesthetics (IMHO)
+ additional line input (for a digital source) making it a fully functional preamp (which in the end almost justifies the price...)

- twice as expensive as the Pass
- large boxes - 3 in total
- a LOT of tubes, which means a lot of heat and potential sources of hum and/or failure

...and in the left corner:

Pass Labs XP-25

+ half price compared to the Aesthetix
+ less (and smaller) boxes - 2 in total
+ less heat and less potential problems...

- no additional line input (which means you'll need a dedicated preamp for a digital source)

Your advice please.

Many thanks.

Aesthetix IO Eclipse with dual power supplies

Pass Labs XP-25

Your advice please.

Well, to be honest, those 2 Designs have absolutely nothing in common and are
2 totally different sounding reproduction designs.
When you think about those 2, you have absolutely no idea from anything but
you want to be accepted - based on their price tags - as a 'serious' Audiophile
:-). It is like rolling a dice for you. How about Parasound JC3 from Curl instead
of the Pass?
Roll it and have fun.
On the volume controls, I was using a passive mod squad preamp and was going to go after a placette. Then an ARC REF 3 came along. I never looked back. For a test, I put the mod squad back in. No comparison, the REF 3 all the way. I know the IO volume controls are not in back where they will mess with the impedance. But the combo is truly stunning to me. I have gone through many high end phono/non-phono preamps and this combo is the best so far. Many more to try while my hearing still exist. By the way if people talk tube hiss when you get to my age and have tinnutis, you have tube hiss 24 hours a day :-)
I would go for the Aesthetix, no question. Nothing wrong with Pass but once the "new" wears off of this acquisition and you settle in and listen day after day, you will appreciate what the IO and tubes do for long term listening enjoyment.

Linnlp12 comments about active versus passive are accurate. The IO is active but it's mate the Aestheitx Callisto presents a significant improvement in sound, a purchase you could make years from now with no penalty should you need the added flexibility.

That being said, I would prefer IO as stand alone solution and If two boxes are preferred, the IO with single power supply would still be the superior choice and clear performance winner in my opinion.