Aftermarket Fuses

Can I set the ground rules up front?? I hope so. There are two camps. One who can hear different audible reproduction using aftermarket fuses. The second camp can not justify in theory, or can not hear a difference in fuses. Fine. I respect both camps. Can we hold this discussion to those who can hear an audible difference in fuses?? Can we? If so, what is your choice in aftermarket fuses and describe, please, what you hear.
To clarify Kaitty’s insider claims, I was wasn’t an imaginary conference call, it was an imaginary online thing...Kaitty said: "I was in an online conference two days ago with principals of HiFi Tuning and Synergistic Research and a dealer for both." From the Blue Fuse wasn’t a 2 day thing...I stand corrected except for the part that this sort of thing among competitors never actually happens in the business world. Also, the reason I don't make up nonsense and market it is simply because that would be unethical and perhaps criminal, neither of which I find particularly appealing.
Wolfie, if you’re pretending to be dumb you’re doing an excellent job.
@geoffkait why do you say that about wolf? He doesn't sound nearly as dumb as you do.
pbnaudio ...

Hey ... !!! The site you provided is selling a five-pack of fuses for just under nine bucks. What’s up with these profiteering, capitalistic, piggish slugs? Haven’t they heard of "Economic Justice," or "Leveling the Playing Field?" How are "those who work for a living" going to afford fuses at over a dollar a pop?

You can do better, pbnaudio. There have been several members here on these sites who have sworn up and down that great fuses are available for twenty-cents that will do what the after market fuses will do ... and anyone who pays more is an utter fool.
