Again the topic of weight of amps

I see this has been covered but not recently.
I have had a few amps in the 100+ pound range.
I liked them enormously but I am in a small space and am tired of dealing with these behemoths when I need to move them around and the real estate they take up. They were all wonderful in their way and I would like to have kept them but for their immobility. But can one find true love after such heavy weights with a feather weight 55 pounder?
Have technological advances in 2019 made such a thing possible? I had a pass 350.8 which I loved but you can't keep a Stonehenge rock in an apartment living room.

The fact that there is any difference in resistance is simply evidence that the fuse wire is not symmetrical. nobody ever claimed that its resistance alone that makes fuses or wire or cables directional. RM is Captain Ahab and fuses are his Moby Dick. I have oft opined that amplifier designers are the last to hop on board the directionality train. Too hyper circuit-focused, one assumes. Too proud, too, maybe.

     Speaking of Resistance…..Oh, never mind.  I'm practicing my admirable restraint.


Active resistance, to Dopey Donny the Orange Racist Baby. Woops, there goes my restraint.