Airport Express + Toslink + Bryston BDA-1 = Happy

This has been my system for the past 2 years. Currently using Rdio, and my ITunes library on my IPad2, streaming it to the Apple Airport Express

Is there any reason to consider any variations on this ?

I continue to play with amplifiers and speakers, switching from vintage solid state like my Sansui AU-717, the Mark Levinson
27 amplifier and 28 preamplifier, and thinking about picking up a nice EL 34 integrated tube amp (Cary perhaps).

Someday i would like to try some ribbon speakers. but my real question is, this seems to be an idealized setup for source.
If anyone is using a similar setup, is there a reason to change - Is there an upgrade to consider from a setup like this ?
MacMini+AirportExpress+Toslink+BenchmarkDAC1+Rowland102+HyperionHPS938 = Very Happy.

You can always be happier. I'll stop improving once I start getting orgasms when I listen to the music.
You can always be happier. I'll stop improving once I start getting orgasms when I listen to the music.

LOL, you might almost be able to achieve that for less than the price of a good cable ;)