Akai AS-980 Value

Hello All!


I have a working and beautiful Akai AS-980 that I'm selling but can't find any information on current value or sales history, minus one sold listing I found on eBay from last August.  Any ideas on where to go find out what it should be listed for?




128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrpj1970

There’s 2 for sale on hifishark now.

Granted one in Belgium and one in Germany, not U.S.

German one asking price is €1400.

One for sale on Reverb 2 years ago asking price $1900.

Of course you need to factor in condition and service history when coming up with a price. There’s $1.09 U.S. to the Euro right now. Start on the high side if you're not desperate, you can always go down.