Album Storage

Curious how everyone stores their Albums?
I mean do you store it by genre, alphabetize? I’m sure most alphabetize them, but do you do it by the name of the Album or artist & if it’s by artist what would you do with Jethro Tull & James Taylor, go with the “J” or the “T”?

Thanks. I will use by category which is how it is looking. Originally it was by most significant piece but I often end up looking for things this way.
For classical - I like to arrange them chronologically by the year of the composer's birth . . . then within each composer I arrange in order of increasing ensemble size. Then there are a few extra small sections for related stuff . . . i.e. all the renaissance choral compilations, all of the electronic/electro-acoustic stuff, all of the albums that feature a performer more than a composer, etc. etc.

I like the end result to generally group similar stuff together, and to be interesting and relaxing to browse through. Alphabetical is stressfull . . . best reserved for filing bills and such.
Hi Kirkus, I'll bet your organization scheme does nicely promote browsing through the collection. My alphabetical approach certainly does not lend itself to browsing through similar musical material. I've thought from time to time about reorganizing around time period and genre to better enable casual browsing, but I think the collection is too far gone to change now. Still, it sounds like a user-friendly organizational scheme to consider.