All NEW Audio Note Alnico Speaker Kits ?....

Some say these Audio Note speakers with Audio Note Alnico speaker drivers are among the best speakers money can buy on the market! 

 The cheapest Audio Note speakers with Audio Note Alnico speaker drivers will cost you $30K, the AN-E-SPX Alnico and reviewers say it's one of the best money can buy and they have other models that cost a lot more! 
Has anyone tried these all new Audio Note Alnico speaker kits yet ?
 Not connected with this company in any way
The speaker cabinets are put together for you so it will be pretty easy to put these kits together!  On another forum someone already did one of these kits and has heard the $30K Audio Note speakers that Steve Huffman owns and said these kits gives you 95% of the performance of these $30K Audio Note speakers for a lot less money!..
This looks very interesting.  Kit 03 & Kit 04 could offer world class fidelity at a fraction of retail.
Some say  a lot of things that are detached from reality. That these speakers, "are among the best speakers money can buy," is one of them.