All of a sudden getting a hum in my system?

I am getting a hum that gets louder as you turn up the volume. I disconnected my VPI Classic One turntable and I am still getting the hum.I disconnected my three month old Manley Chinook and hooked up my old Belles 20A phono pre-amp and there is no hum. So the Manley Chinook seems to be the culprit. I called Manley Labs yesterday but they are closed until January 2.Any suggestions for resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated.
I have not tried changing tubes.I will talk to a Manley Labs tech about changing tubes. I am new to tube equipment so I don't have any extras lying around.
Hey Montgomery - your troubleshooting steps are very sound (plugging the Chinook into your buddy's system). I hope you resolve the problem soon. Please update us when you nail down what the exact problem turns out to be.
Montgomery - any resolution to this issue? Response from Manley? Having the same problem and appears that my Chinook is the culprit.
Hi Montgomery, Have you resolved your hum issue with the Chinook? I'm having the same issue with mine.

Sorry for the late response but I have not visited Audiogon in awhile.
I sent the Chinook to Manley and they said the problem was with a capacitor.So with insurance that cost me over $90.00 which is not covered by the warranty to have a capacitor replaced.
I got the Chinook back and it was working alright for awhile.But several times recently while playing a record I am getting some loud pops followed by a loud hum from my speakers.Also several times recently I have noticed speaker oscillation as soon as the needle hits the record,this is before the music starts.
Is my Chinook a lemon?