Am I the only one who doesn’t love Harbeth P3esr?

I purchased a pair of P3’s a month ago based on their
uniformly rave reviews online. I have tried them with 
3 different amps, in two different rooms, and with and without a sub, and am just not overly impressed,
using a variety of music. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I expected more OMG moments.
They certainly aren’t bad. Very detailed. But to me they sound bright which I never expected. And I just can’t get them to sound really good.
I have other speakers I gravitate to for listening sessions- KEF LS 50 and Klipsch RP 600ms.

When I bought my first pair of P3s they struck me as being a tad bright. I am now on my 3rd pair including the newer 40th anniversary model. There is something about them that just sounds right compared to the many other speakers that I have owned over the years. They just might grow on you like they did with me!
I don’t find it atypical to find a new pair of speakers goving an impression of brightness . Since you can’t return and 60 hrs IME is not long enough to make an objective impression, work on what you can, placement spacing, toe-in and talk to owners, plenty here and elsewhere. These are popular monitors and considered by some the best iteration of the LS3/5. At the end of the day you may not like them. Maybe your ears ARE that discriminating and they end up not being your cup of tea, there is no right or wrong only you’re engaged in the music or not.
Who says the Needle Doctor is out of business?

I suspect some kind of internet BS!
Facebook scuttlebutt seems to show something amiss over at Needle Doctor. If true, a big loss for audio community. 
@rambo21, it can be a little disconcerting when you start wondering whether it's the world or you that's wrong.

The Harbeth P3ESRs are almost the cornerstone of the loudspeaker world (at least when it comes to mini - monitors) in the same way that Relativity is the cornerstone of modern physics.

So if they really were seriously flawed where would that leave the rest?  I suspect they're real growers and you're ears are just beginning to relax and mature into their correct signature.

Good to see you're starting to get it. Would be great for us if you keep us updated as to how you get on with them, and also interesting for you given your first impressions.