AMC Tube Amplifiers

Can anyone share any experiences, good or bad, about any AMC tube amplifiers. They seem like good values and are sold at discounts. While I like bargains, discounts sometimes make me wonder....
The only potential downside I know of is when you need new tubes. I think the tubes come hard wired to a plug in board, so you have to buy that instead of picking up any replacement tube. Soundwise I have heard lots of good things about them for the price. You can check for deals and demos at Northampton Audio/Spearit Sound website.
AMC can put sockets on the board and sockets are available in most configurations for self improvement if you can handle a soldering iron and watch power capacitors. Alot of TV repair shops can do it too
Thanks for your input.
The amp I was looking at has the tube sockets installed so that won't be an issue. I have only heard their tube integrated amp a few years ago and it sounded pretty good- very rich. I am more concerned about heat and reliability. I would be doing this to switch from monoblocks to a stereo amp (inserted in a cabinet) and eliminate some clutter and wires from my floor. I have been trying to talk myself into getting a solid state amp, but just can't bring myself to do it. The AMC might be a good compromise.
One of the best bangs for the buck for a solid state amp that comes close to tubes is the Audio Refinement Complete integrated made by YBA. New about $1,000, used $600+