Amp Config for B&W 802D's

I see a lot of discussion of Brand A vs Brand B in driving B&W 802D speakers. I'm trying to gather a bit different info.

I'm ready to change amps and there seems to be some different possibilities available for amp configurations and how the speakers respond. I'm interested in the pros and cons of each.

1st - a large stereo amp (400w/ch) wired direct.
2nd - a pair of mono amps (400w each) wired direct.
3rd - a pair of momo amps (400w each) bi-wired.
4th - a multi channel amp (200w mid/hi, 400w bass) for each speaker, or something close to that.

Does any one of the configurations have a significant advantage? Also, do balanced interconnects between the preamp and amp have an advantage over a good set of RCA's.

If you have some thoughts and care to share your expertise I would appreciate the info.

Abbey Road uses 2 400w monoblocks to drive their D800's. I use a single pair of Omicron monos. It depends what you want to do, I went with the higher quality amp that still has plenty of current.
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Hello Paul,

I one a pir of B&W 802D and I compared option 1 vs option 3 in very powerful set of amplifiers, see :

Please note that monoblocks run in fully balanced mode with all its advantages (besides power)

All The best
I was trying to stay away from the typical one brand vs another, because you can get that info elsewhere on the forum. However, I am looking at several different possibilities.

- McIntosh MC402(400w/ch) or a pair of MC501's (500w/ch)
- Classe CA400/401(800w/ch@4 Ohm) or a pair of CAM400's(800w/ch@4 Ohm)
- Wyred4sound (Cullen) pair of SX-1000's (1000w/ch@4 Ohm) ICE amps
- Wyred4sound MultiChannel a pair of 250's (500w/ch@4 Ohm) and a pair of 500's (1000w/ch@4 Ohm) ICE amps

The first two are the more traditional (safe) approach, the last two are a bit "Out of the box". However, the multi ICE amp solution is about the same cost as the Mono's and has some interesting possibilities.

Any of the choices will be a good upgrade.