Amp for Focal Maestro EVO


I'm looking for ideas/suggestions for amplification for a pair of Focal Maestro Evo 3 way speakers.  They are "dual purpose speakers."  First and most importantly, they are used for two channel music listening; mostly streaming with a Lumin X1, CD (Oppo), Vinyl.  Secondly, they are part of a home theater which has 22 speakers; 10 floor level Focal speakers, a Focal Vivia center,  pairs of Sopra 1, and a pair of Focal Diablos. There are 8 ceiling level speakers in the Kanta line.  And 4 REL subs, S-510.  A Trinnov Altitude 24 is processing the audio.   16 speakers are driven Trinnov Amplitude 8 amplifiers X 2 (225 watts per channel).  An 350 watt per channel  ATI 6000 series amplifier is currently driving the Maestros and center.  The Trinnov will allow 2 channel listening and I'm looking to for an amp to drive the two front Maestro speakers for music listening and as part of the HT.  The system is in a 25 X16 X 9 listening room that is treated with RPG products under the guidance of an acoustic consultant.  The soundstage is very wide and at times spectral.  I listen to a variety of females Indie music, Rock, Rap, Jazz, Classical.  Price range is around 20K per amp.   I may match the Focal Utopia Vivia center amp to the Maestro's amp at some point.   

I have run into a number of road blocks while thinking about this.  

1) Bi-amping?  I'd love to try it out using a tube to drive the uppers and a solid state for the lowers.  Therefore, I'm thinking of a pair of McIntosh MC451 which is a combo amp.  It's new to market and I have not heard it with the Maestros.  Or is it just a waste of resources to bi-amp?  I've heard the Maestro driven by McIntosh MC312 which was solid but I preferred the harmony and spaciousness of the Luxman MC-10.  

2) Going with dual mono block amps?  I've heard the Maestros driven by a Luxman MC-10 amp and was really impressed.  I could add a nice tube amp to the Luxman later to try Bi-amping.  But then there is the idea of using two MC-10 amps, as mono blocks or even bi-amping.  Or just use a Luxman MC10 to drive the Maestros.  

3) Skip the bi-amping and direct those resources into a DAN D'AGOSTINO, Constellation, or Boulder amps.  

Anyone who has had experience and advice finding a good amp to drive Focal Maestro Evo speakers would be much appreciated.  Anyone who has had experience finding a dual purpose amp as part of a HT and for two channel music listening, I'd be grateful hearing from you as well.  I know that opinions on bi-amping are varied but I'd benefit hearing from those with experience bi-amping the Maestros.

At this point I am leaning towards starting with a Luxman MC10, later adding a tube amp for bi-amping and adding another Luxman to drive the Vivia center speaker for the HT after that.    

Cheers to all!

Ag insider logo xs@2xbrianbonf

@hiendmmoe uses the Maestros, and he is now on a Bel Canto Black system after owning the top of the line Luxman for a while. He may be able to share some of his experiences. 

Hey Brian, man you really got something going on there, I've never heard focal speakers, but I recently upgraded my amplification form the VAC signature 200 IQ's to the statement 450's, I can tell you that the 200's do an incredibly excellent job of driving my Von Schweikert VR 44's with ease and control, they are tubes and work fantastic for 2 channel listening. I would be willing.
