Amp for Martin Logan

I just purchased a set of Ascent i speakers and a Decent sub from a friend that moved up to Summits. I have a Resolution Audio Opus 21 and Cat SL1 mkii pre. I am looking for an amp under $2K. I love tube mids but don't think I can afford a tube amp that will drive the Logans. Is there any SS amps that can give me the mids and still drive the highs and bass? Or how about a tube amp in my price range? Any suggestions?
Ag insider logo xs@2xpal
Hi Pal. I would strongly recommend that you at least audition the NuForce 9.02's. They are only $2500. pr. and I believe they still offer a full 30 day trail period.

I am currently using them to drive my Summits - with incredible results. I have owned numerous amps, from solid state, tube, hybrid and several ICE based amps and none has offered the unique delicacy, effortlessness, dynamics, etc., of the NuForces, while still maintaining the midrange timbre that Logans are capable of.

I have done a fair amount of experimenting with this amp/Logan issue as I have also owned Prodigy's, Oddyseys, Requests, Aerius i's, Sequel II's over the last 20 years.

Another good recommendation is Audiofrankj's H2o amps, which he seems to be having very good results with his Summits also.

Unless you like dealing with the heat output, tube replacement hassles, and larger electric bill of tube amps, the NuForce or possibly the H2o's will give you everything you are looking for, IMO.

Good luck!
Well I think I might try the Nuforce amps. Anywhere I can get a deal on one? I also have heard that the new Rowland 102 amp is out. Has anyone had a chance to listen to one yet?
Keep checking the used listings - they go fast when they do occassionaly pop up (that and the fact that you rarely see any 9.02's used should you something).

Good luck!
Bought a set of Nuforce 9.02s. I hope they make it through shipping. I think they may sound good in my system with the CAT preamp.
Great! They should make it through shipping with no problem - yet another big advantage of weighing only 7 lbs ea. I think you're in for a real sonic treat. Let us all know what you think