Amp for Shahinian Obelisks?

Hi guys

Anyone recommend amps for my new Obelisks? I heard the Plinius 9200 was ok but wondered if tubes would do it? Like these:

Or high power Mcintosh?
Jungson JA-50 monos?

My music is rock and electronic biased with lots of live music etc.

Really appreciate your thoughts!


Richard H
Interesting product.
A compnay that's been in the speaker business for 30 years and who sends the vast majority of there product to Europe and Japan.
its a classical music thing. they throw a big as life soundstage without sacrificing weight. though different than a bose 901 or an allison 1,2, or 4, or a gradient revolution, or the klipsch legacy designs,the speaker uses the room it is in to full effect. a music lover's speaker- not an audiophile speaker. like the others mentioned, its generally purchased by those wanting off the merry-go-round.
Bedini works alright, but I would second Plinius as being superior in build quality, reliability and resale value. A friend of mine just upgraded from the latest Bedini monoblocks to a single Plinius SA-10 for his Obelisks and Diapasons, and says it was well worth it. If you e-mail me, I can forward your mail to him.
I'll third the Plinius 9200 integrated or separate amps for Obelisks. Great synergy. I haven't heard the Bedini amps.

Shahinian also ships a ton of these to Oz and NZ. He used to voice with Plinius, don't know if he still does or not.

The Obelisks' most endearing trait, other than a very (VERY)wide sweet spot, is their ability to portray a realistic sense of large scale orchestral music. I also happen to think they're pretty nice on a lot of acoustic music as well. If imaging and hyper-detail are your be-all/end-all in audio, these aren't your speakers. But if a sense of a live orchestra or band is your thing, then these speakers do it well for the money. As do Ohm Walsh speakers. (As do my ALon Vs.)