Hi there,
If you would be good enough, can you answer a question about the Verity Encores? I am considering buying a pair for about $5500 (about 16 years old) and wanted to ask your opinion on price and performance. I noticed that you are running some Naim components in your system - I am running an all NAim system 200 amp, 282 pre, supercap and CD5 and a Linn LP12.
Will this system drive the Encores or am I not giving it enough current.
I will let you know that I haven't heard these yet...am considering them based on feedback and comments from A-gon members.
Your thoughts and feedback are appreciated!
Warm regards,
If you would be good enough, can you answer a question about the Verity Encores? I am considering buying a pair for about $5500 (about 16 years old) and wanted to ask your opinion on price and performance. I noticed that you are running some Naim components in your system - I am running an all NAim system 200 amp, 282 pre, supercap and CD5 and a Linn LP12.
Will this system drive the Encores or am I not giving it enough current.
I will let you know that I haven't heard these yet...am considering them based on feedback and comments from A-gon members.
Your thoughts and feedback are appreciated!
Warm regards,