Amp output is wired in series vs parallel?

Just read the Sterophile review of the 1000 watt monoblocks from Bryston, the 28B SST. it mentioned that each monoblock is two amps bridged, wired in series. But they also mention that if you want to play low impedance speakers of 4 or 2 ohms, you should have Bryston wire the amps in paralell at the factory.

My question is, does the amp being wired in series or paralell affect the power rating of the amp? What is the effect sonically on the amp if it wired parallell vs series?

The link to the review is below:
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Series: Same current, up to 4X voltage (often factory derated to handle stress from low impedance loads, ie. lower voltage rails- Aragon Palladiums). True bridged/differential.

Parallel: 2X current, same voltage. To keep sides from conflict, a 1 to 2 ohm resistor is used in parallel. "Monostrapped".

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