Amp / Preamp for Focal 1007 BE Speakers?

Hello all - I would like some amp/preamp or integrated amp suggestions from fellow Focal 1007BE owners.

Here's my current setup -

Transporter (wireless) with all files Apple Lossless format
Jolida 502B integrated
Acoustic Zen Hologram II speaker cables
Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Interconnects

I like the sound from my setup but the bass is too thin for my liking. I am a bass player, so naturally like a little more oomph than most. I mostly listen to acoustic and acoustic rock music - Dave Mattews, Howie Day, Damien Rice but also like some more upbeat rock every once in awhile.

I figured that the Jolida at 60 watts wasn't supplying enough power, so demo'd a DK VS-1 MkII integrated (160 watts) over the weekend. I was not impressed at all - the sound was very sterile and the bass levels actually dropped from the Joilda. I guess that I'm a tube guy!

Here's what I have been thinking - whatever direction I go, I think it's critical that the pre or integrated have some sort of tone controls so that I can get the bass level where I'm happy. With that said, does anyone have any good ideas on pre / amp or integrated? I would be buying used and can spend up to about 4K.

The McIntosh MA6900 seems like it might be a sweet match as it has a 5-band equalizer. I have not heard the Macs but hear they lean towards warm sounding, so a solid state Mac might not be problematic.

Any thoughts / advice would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry , meant 906's and 926's.
Old age can be a "B" !

Mac's have a stellar reputation and thus hold their resale quite well . Is the 6900 still in production ?
Hi. I own the 1027Be with Simaudio I-7 and SuperNova CD player. I find the combo highly satisfying. Unfortunately, the Simaudio does not have base/treble controls so I'm not necessarily suggesting that. Be careful with the McIntosh though and the Hi-Fi tuning fuses. I have auditioned the McIntosh, but found the sound to be confused and messy (simply the opposite of a relaxed, focused, and articulate sound), although the bass was quite good. I also tried the Hi-Fi Tuning fuse, which I found to improve the music in some respects but the music lost a sense of flow and calmness. It sounded uptight. I switched in the IsoClean fuse (about the same price as Hi-Fi Tuning) which had similar benefits but no drawbacks. Good luck.
Ken: with 4K to spend, I would try some other speakers. The 1007 BE just don't have it in them imo. If you like monitors, try the Usher BE-718 or the WLM Diva, the latter sounds great with tubes as well. You'll get much better (and more) bass with these speakers than with the Focals.
if you get a rel subwoofer, the best way to hook it up is straight from your amp speaker posts. rel recommends that you drive your main speakers full range and you just tap off the amps posts to the sub. i used the rel strata III with my totem model 1's and the crossover on the rel is excellent.
Well, I spent a little more than my 4K budget but ended up with a great system - I just picked up a used McIntosh MA7000. It really compliments the Focals and I have been smiling since its arrival.

The sound is rich and my favorite - adjustable with the 5-band EQ. I will end up adding a Rel subwoofer down the road as I really like the deep bass (I'm a bass player) but need to accumulate some capital first!

Thanks to all that responded!
