Amp recommendations for Hifiman HE1000 V2

I am looking for some recommendations regarding an AMP to pair with the HE1000 V2. I tend to lean slightly to a neutral, warm presentation. I know folks love the Liquid Platinum and Topping A90 for the Arya. Not sure if these translate well to the HE1000 V2.

Thanks everyone.
Absolutely loving my Pass Labs HPA-1 with my Arya and Silver Dragon cable.
I know you were asking about the other headphones but I'm just giving my 2 cents.

Does anyone know if a Mojo 2 will drive the HE 1000 V2? I presently have an Aeon 2 Noire it drives well. 

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@clavace No, that’s not a good match at all. The HE1000 v2 is rated at 35 Ohms and 90dB that makes it a pretty tough load, and the Chord only puts out 600mW @ 30 Ohms that is not nearly enough to power these headphones effectively. Here’s a quote from the review of the Mojo 2…

“However, it needs to be said that once you are approaching its upper power levels, it will start clipping, heavily distorting its bass output and massively shrinking the stage size. I’ve got clipping with LCD-4 and Susvara and Arya Stealth wasn’t as airy sounding as I like”

These outstanding headphones really require a good standalone amp to get the best out of them. If you share what sound characteristics you’re looking for you can get some excellent recommendations here for amps that will properly drive your headphones in a way that meets with your specific tastes. Just my $0.02 FWIW.