Amp upgrade for Aerial Acoustics 10T's? (

I recently picked up a very nice pair of Aerial Acoustics 10T v2’s to replace my ADS L1530’s. I love the AA’s for a number of reasons, but I’m worried they might be a bit too demanding for my amp. My current amp is a vintage GAS Ampzilla that’s had Mike Bettinger’s reference restoration with JFET input mods. It’s rated at 200wpc, but I’m not sure it has the current necessary to drive the AA’s through demanding, bass-heavy passages.

I rarely listen loudly, but when I have, I’ve noticed the amp’s power meters dimming on the heavy bass notes. The meters only indicate ~100wpc, but I don’t place any confidence in their calibration or accuracy. The amp also loses its composed and detailed presentation at these listening levels. I think it’s trying to tell me it’s being pushed a little too hard, and the last thing I want to do is damage the speakers or the amp.

So that brings me to the topic of this thread; can I find a suitable replacement amp for less than $1k? From what I understand, the AA’s really shine when driven by a high wattage, high current amp. I’ve been looking around for used alternatives and have found a few that may, or may not have potential.

Threshold S/300 ($900)
Nakamichi PA-7 ($890-975)
Bryston 4B-ST ($999-1150)
Perreaux PMF 3150 ($995)
Aragon 8008BB ($1175...yikes, easy to get over budget)

What do you guys think? What other amps would you recommend?

What about the older Parasound amps?  The old John Curl designs like the 2205 or HCA-2003A?  What are your thoughts on those?
Don't take this the wrong way but if it were me I would hold off and reevaluate my budget if at all possible, before spending the $1K on something that may not end up being much of an improvement over what I already have. Or at least wait for a great opportunity to come up. The 10Ts deserve (and demand) clean solid power to show what they can really deliver. I've heard them extensively when paired with a pair of McIntosh 601s and they are simply breathtaking.  
What did you decided to do? I'm looking for amps for my Aerial 7b and CC3b as well. 


go out to your local dealer/retailer, and listen, listen, listen to the gear.

I still like those older parasound HCA series power amps. It will be a matter of newer vs. older technology.

Mark Levinson and Classe' are sonic matches for Aerial speakers.

I ended up buying the Aragon mentioned above.  It's a beast and delivers plenty of current, but the sound isn't to my liking.  Upper frequency detail and clarity are impressive, as is the soundstage and imaging, but, to my ears, it's lacking the midrange warmth and forward presentation that I prefer.  The Aragon also had a tight grip on bass, so much so that I found it lacking.  Clean, tight, and accurate, yes, but at the sacrifice of output in my opinion.  

So, after a brief affair with the Aragon, I'm back to my trusty Ampzilla.  I find it has most of the detail, soundstage, and imaging of the Aragon, but with a midrange forward presentation that is more pleasing to my ears.  A note on the difference in bass; with the Aragon, I briefly thought about adding a subwoofer, with the Ampzilla, I have to pull the speakers further out from the wall to tame bass output.

Keep in mind, these findings are strictly my subjective opinion of my system, in my room, and to my ears.  Good luck with your search, and keep us posted!