Amp upgrade from Ayre V-5xe

I am loving the Ayre sound (V-5xe Amp, QX-5 Twenty DAC / streamer). My speakers are the new Revel F228be

While I think V-5xe is great, I am thinking of upgrading to the newer VX-5 Twenty. Just because.... I hear my sirens calling :-)

For you Ayre owners, is this a worthy upgrade?

Or should I consider another solid state Amp? Pass Labs come to mind


I would not worry too much about defying the law of audiophiles on spending more on amp than speakers.
I recently acquired a pair of Triangle Altea esw speakers that were only $2000 new.
My integrated cost more than double that.

But these are the best sounding speakers I have had in my system so far and I have had some that cost considerably more.
Maybe I have just not tried the "right" expensive speakers yet!
But I tend not to worry too much about WTH anybody else thinks or says.
Its your money, your ears.
I have been using the Ayre VX 5/20 for the last year.  Moved from a VAC tube amp to the Ayre and love it.  Originally used on Thiel CS2.4 and recently on more efficient Spendor D9s. The clarity and musicality of this amp makes me smile daily.  Using a VAC tube preamp. 
My shortlist when I bought the Ayre VX-R

Aesthetix Stereo ( now in Sig level )

Thyname there are a lot of good recommendations here.   I learned something with this thread.  I'm going to add the VX-R to my short list.  Soundstage gave it a great review but the reviewer noted that he's heard more impactful bass before.  Also, there doesn't seem to be much feedback on this piece either on 'gon forums or reviews.  It would be great if someone did some comparisons with this unit against similairly priced units, (Hegel H30, Luxman M900u, Pass X-350.8, etc....)

I am very close to pulling the trigger on a Pass Labs X150.8

Same power as my Ayre V-5xe.

Is this really going to be an improvement, or just a lateral move?

Should I just go with Ayre VX-5 Twenty instead?
