Amp with best bass control

Which solid state amp(s) have you heard demonstrate the best bass control? I'm not talking "go the lowest", I'm talking "tight tight - super tight grip on the bass". I'm talking "fast" as well. The proverbial Kung-Fu Grip!

Thanks all!

@ Isochronism, I did not know you had this equipment!, cerwin vega and JBl is my all time favorite for p.a. speakers, rest assured, your vega 18s would desamate anything in the high-end audio for sheer air movement alone, LOL! a krell would kick on this, how do I know, I have done this before!, I had a Krell fpb 200 on the cerwin vega v15E p.a. speakers, 6 ohms, 106 db sensativity!, that was awsome and very clear after I out fitted everything with the best of polycrystal resonance control, I put thousands of dollars of this stuff on this set-up to great effect!, till this day, the most musical system I have ever heard in my life, bar none!
The Sunn 2000s also offered a 2-15 JBL cabinet with D140F's. Audiolabyrinth, you are a mad man!!! HA
Ummm, it's "decimate" labyrinth.
And you're making fun of others?
That's hilarious.
My band in Honolulu opened for Led Zeppelin in 1969 and John Paul Jones decided to use the bass amps loaned to us by a local music store...2 Sunn 2000S rigs with the stock large 2X15 JBL cabinets (nobody I knew ever actually owned one of these speakers as the 200S smaller cab was so cool) our bass player's smaller 200S rig. That's a lot of bass for 1969. No clue what Jones had brought for the gig, but it never appeared.