Amplification for Dali MS4

I am still in amazement that as fine a speaker as the Euphonia MS4 is, that there still isn't a lot written regarding what related equipment people are using.

I am going to dump my HT and go back to 2 channel. I am curious if anyone who has these speakers or might have auditioned them with any fine 2 channel amps.

Some that I am considering would be Plinius SA102, McCormack DNA1 or 2 with Revision A mods, Edge G8+ monos or NL10, Pass X250 or McIntosh 402 or 352. I would be open to any and all suggestions. Preamp that I would probably be getting would be the Aesthetix Calypso. Still working on the CDP. For now my Meridian 506.20 is working just fine.

Thanks to all for your input.

Steve Bachman
Phoenix, AZ
I reviewed a pair of MS4's last year and never experienced the ear splitting highs that some others have. The highs that I experienced were brilliant, never bright or harsh. As a matter of fact, the mids and high were a strong point with these speakers and the bass is fast and tight. I do agree that a better match with these speakers would be something on the warm and lush side...tubes would be my first choice.
I installed a pair of MS5's recently, using the Mac 352 and c2200, combined with the ayre cx7 (new version). There was no problem with the highs. The sound was quite good, actually.
I did hear MS4 and ms5 with Gamut D200 mk3,directly connected to a Capitole mk2, no problem at all with the higs,unforgettable match. Tubes somewhere in the system....
I went to a local dealer in Oklahoma City today and we demoed the MS4's with three diff. amps. First we hooked up a Krell fpb 350 mcx it was great on the bass, tight, deep, and detailed. The highs was a diff. stroy they were in my face and harsh. Next we hooked up the Mcintosh 501's they were not as good on the bass but ok and mids and tweets were outstanding and very musical. The next amp we will try tommorrow will be the classe M400 mono's they are a combo of the Krell's bass and the Mac's mid and highs so we will see. The amp i'm thinking will be the one is the BAT 600SE it is the best amp on the market bar none for great bass and tube like mid and highs so i'm saving the best for last. My friend has one and it blows away Krell, Pass, Lev., Lamm, Halco is a toss up; but the BAT is a fourth of the price so it is a much better deal. There you have it the BAT vk-600SE is the best of the best according the Steve Huntley of Great Northern Sound in Minn. and he is the best Mod. guy in the USA he has opened up every Hi-end amp on the market and he told me the BAT is the best built and best sounding he has ever heard price no object. THE BEST AMP ON THE MARKET GO LISTEN TO ONE YOU WILL BUY IT\!