Amplifier advice from Ohm Walsh 100 Mk. II owners

I am awaiting a pair of Ohm Walsh 100 Mk. II speakers. My current system uses a Rega Brio 3. (49 watts at into 8 ohms, 64 watts into 4 ohms) I suspect it may fall short with the Ohms.

The room is around 30x20, with a cathedral ceiling that extends up to 16 feet. The system is along the long wall, and most listening is done with 8-10 feet.

The amplifiers under consideration are:

Rogue Cronus Magnum (90 watts, Tube)
Wyred4Sound STI500 (250 watts into 8 ohms, 550 watts into 4 ohms, Class D)
Quad 99/909 (140 watts into 8 ohms, 250 watts into 4 ohms, Solid State)

Any input/guidance from other Ohm Walsh owners, specifically Ohm Walsh 100 Mk. II owners past and present, would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the advice, Marty. In my Audiogon Ohm search, I came across your mention of the TAD Hibachi. I hadn't initially considered going the separates route, but perhaps I should. I know you may not have used the W4S amp, specifically, but given your experience with the Bel Canto S300 , would you say the TAD Hibachi would be a better match with the Ohm Walsh than the W4S amp? I understand that there something of a disparity between the W4S and the Bel Canto in terms of watts and implementations of Class D, and I understand it would only be an educated guess on your part, but which would you choose if for your money? I'm thinking the Hibachi might work well with a Doge 8 preamp. Given the fact that the Doge 8 has a well regarded phonostage and I would need a separate phono preamp for the W4S amp, they end up pretty close as far as price. I'm just wondering which would have better sound/synergy with the Ohms.

Thanks again for your experienced input.

Ohms require an amplifier with current. I had a different pair of Ohms than yours, but I would be looking at a high current amp that doubles down with at least 100 watts into 8 ohms 200 into 4 ohms.
The Hibachis work well with Ohm 100s and are dirt cheap right now ($650/pr direct from TAD, last I looked). I can assure you from personal experience that this combo works well. However, the TADs are on the warmish side for SS amps, and they're not the last word in "transparency", so - if that's your thing - they may leave you a little short of the mark. They're also slightly quirky on the layout and - tho nicely finished - they're definitely not "jewelry".

If you tend to listen "to" (ratther than "thru") the music, you'll probably love 'em.

Good Luck,

Incidentally, if you use a single source, the current version (I think) offers attenuation - so you (technically) don't need a preamp (tho you might still want one).

You might want to check w/TAD to be sure on this point.

Marty, thanks again for taking the time to offer your advice. I emailed Paul and he's been extremely helpful, providing incredible service by answering a number of questions. I ordered a pair and was even able to get XLR inputs since the Doge 8 has an active balanced circuit with XLR outputs. I needed to verify that with Pacific Valve before asking Paul to go ahead with the XLR's in place of the single ended inputs. From your descriptions of the sound and the other extremely positive reviews of Paul's work, I feel confident that I'll be happy with the amps, despite not having had the opportunity to hear them first. And at an extremely reasonable price! I'll let you know how it all comes together. I'm really glad I came across your mention of the Hibachis and appreciate all the advice you've offered.