Amplifier for Tekton speakers

I am looking for a tube amplifier to mate with Tekton Lore. Anyone has a successful story with your amp and Tekton Lore or similar?

My music tastes 80% with pop and easy listening jazz/soft rock.

Any directions or suggestions are appreciated.
I like the Cary SET 50 watt triode push-pull the best because it has most of the attributes of the Cary 300B midrange with large amount of headroom, more solid bass, a little more extension on top, has a little more weight and dynamics. For me and my ears in my room, tops all the others mentioned in my post, yet each is good.

My parents were musicians as are I and my brother. I know live music intimately. The Lore is live sounding. Dynamic. I have used EL 84 tubes in amplification often, among others. I like their sound. The Almarro acquits itself nicely, but a different presentation as one would suspect, very quick and lively, great for Jazz, Folk, Folk Rock, Pop music. It does not do as well on large scale Classical, especially when it all gets going and is complex; yet it is still good.

The Cary V12 is a well-suited amp for the Lore, it adds a little more warmth, weight and fullness compared to my Primaluna, it is sweet and timbre is accurate, RRAT is slightly better on Primaluna, but really small difference. Bass is very tuneful.

I hope this stuff is what you were asking Finsup.

I believe, like Sebrof, the Jolida 502 would acquit itself well with the Lore. I wish I could inject some Wolf Garcia humor here.
I have enjoyed the Decware Mini Torii with Tekton speakers. Mini Torii offers a lot of flexibility with tubes to tailor the amp to your preferences. Really nice build quality as well.
I am currently using Almarro 205 II with Tekton, I found that the sound is overall good but not great. Specifically, the midrange is not warm enough and the high is a bit harsh. Maybe just because of the stock tubes as Mikirob point out.

I am thinking of directly heated triode (Almarro 205 is single ended pentode EL84 output) tube such as 300B, 2A3 or 45, if these are better choice than Almarro 205.
Interesting no one using SS amp yet. Anyone found a SS they prefer over valves with their Tekton's?
I wonder the same thing... It seems Tekton only attracted to the folk on the tube turf