Amplifier suggestions please

Hi - I'm reworking a 2 channel system, had some very basic components and now trying to step up a bit.  DAC is currently a Schiit Yggy, I'm on the waiting list for a Freya+ which means I'll be running balanced connections.  Speakers are Philharmonic Audio 3's.  I was using a pair of Emotiva XPA-1L monoblocks (differential/balanced) but want to upgrade.  I could stay in the Schiit catalog and go with a pair of Vidar's but although there are no real bad reviews I feel like they don't quite get raved about like the Yggy does (and the Freya+ to some extent).  I'd like to stay around $2K, definitely under $3K and I prefer new (I've had my fill with trying used).  I know its asking a lot to find a pair of balanced monoblocks in this range so I'm not opposed to a stereo amp (XLR inputs).  I could also be talked into canceling my Freya+ order and switching to a preamp from the amp builder if there is better synergy in that pairing.  I've looked an Van Alstine and Odyssey, what else should I be looking at?

Well, I never claimed to be, "Unbiased", Hee hee. 
No-one truly can be!
 But you cannot tell me that a, "Threshold", "T-100", amp wouldn't be a nice fit!
 ANY Threshold amp would be really...."IMHO", I've yet to run into one that was not nice.
 And mentioning the other amps was way more to make the point I was trying to instill. I really don't think I'll part with those others right now. But my collection is too large.
 I offer when I think I can really help. Other than that I have never sold anything here. I have never advertised here either. I use other sites for that when needed. Well, For a "charity case" once. But that is it. 
AND I am not affiliated with any company which sells, services or makes amplifiers. "Speakers"? Yes, But not those other components!
 I notice all the time people whom "Are" affiliated with that type of business trying to sell. Usually not, "Outright", maybe but at times that as well. But it's sometimes some pretty, "BAD" advice they throw out.
 "Specifically", when they list the gear which they sell or make.  And many times listing gear that's not really of a "really good" quality or at least,  "No better" than what a person has already! Just a bit more on the, "New" side. And when one is attempting to upgrade a system? AND on a budget? 
That should truly be a "Cardinal Sin"!
   Isn't there a special "10th Circle of Hell", just for that particular transgression??
So yeah, I was in that missive about as un-biased as anyone ever is. 
 It was simply honest.
The only thing Op is going to get at the price range is class D trash. You're only option outside of Aliexpress for a quality amp is to find a used Odyssey monoblock pair. I actually have a Yggdrasil and an Odyssey Stratos stereo amp. My Freya balanced output is just BARELY able to drive the Stratos' inputs due to the weakness of Odyssey amps, their low input impedance. This is probably why it never sounded good, but it could also because my Freya is messed up. Anyway. No matter how unimpressive the Schiit power amps are they're going to be automatically better than the class D junk people will push on you.