Amplifiers for B&W 803D/802D

I'm new to high end home audio (have extensive high end Pioneer ODR system in the car) and am looking for amps to pair with either B&W 803D or 802D. My local B&W dealer only sells Rotel and Classe and hasn't been able to set both amps up together so I can listen/switch between the two. Is there a significant difference in sound between these amps with these speakers and is it worth the expense? Are the Classe amps reliable long term? Has anyone heard B&W with Mcintosh amps? I listened to Mcintosh with Infinity speakers that sounded great but can't find a way to demo Mcintosh with B&W. Thanks a lot.
I have 802D for a few years and I tried to match it with (tubed) Audio Matiere, Classe, Plinius SA-102 and last year with Spectron Musician III SE. The last one is the best in all respect - very transparent sound, huge soundstage, very natural timbre, deep and powerful bass. On the top, it does not create heat like my "little oven" Plinius nor did it consume much electricity.

I think one can drive 802D even with medium power tube amp and enjoy the sound, so good speakers are but to utilize their full potential I feel that only superb and very powerful but musically involving amplifier shoulds be used.
Beerdraft - thanks for your answer, but how big is your room? My room has only 20m2.

Unfortunately I like more 803D than 803S , the sound is warmer,the treble is sweet and the bass is deeper.

I have heard B&W 803D with Classe preamplifier CP500 and power amplifier CA2200 (2 x 200W @ 8ohms)and it sounds ok for me. (the room ~25m2).

Anyway I will do a test if it works together or not.
That room is much smaller than mine. I'm 19 feet by 33 feet. In that size room you may be fine with a good 200 watts per channel. B&W reccomends 250 watts or atleast thats what they told me as a minimum for the 803d but I'm sure they won't try to talk you out of buying. When I was going to get the mcintosh mc275's in mono parralel, they told me I'd be better with the 803S and that they reccomend 250 per on the D's. That is where I'm coming from on this. They will be great either way with the 200 I geuss but would be better with a little more, but then again what wouldn't be. With the room size should be fine though.
good luck
I wonder where the anti B&W brigade is? :) B&W sound seems to polarize people - you either think it's pretty ho-hum or you like it. When I heard the 802D's driven by Classe amplification - I could not pick a fault with the sound. But then again I could not pick anything I liked either. Since I have to "love" my equipment before I spend thousands of $ on it, I passed on this one.
I know Paul Messenger (Stereophile, Hifi Critic, Hifi Plus, Hifi Choice) uses Naim with his 800D's and Andrew Harrison of Hifi News uses Chord with 802D's.

Not my taste. I prefer the Bel Canto ref 1000's. The other amps i have heard with B&W are the ASR Emitter II and the Anatek Mono's.