Amps for Proac D48R

Hello,My system used:
Drive Accustic arts drive one , Audio Research Dac8, Tube preamps VK-52SE Bat, Tube amps  VK-150SE BAT and kubala emotion speaker cable, Speaker Proac D48R but the sound too noise for bass.
I need advice for a power amps and speaker cable for the Proac D48R all the system can drive for proac D48R
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I have and have had Proac 2.5 3.5 3.8 d38 d48 d80 d100

I have tried various amps and I always end up being very pleased with most Brystons - so the more you can afford, just go up the Bryston range.
Hi I want to change the amps Pass labs 350.8 but I don't know it is ok for Proac D48R