Amps for Wilson Watt Puppy 6.0?

Calling all WP 6.0 owners...what amps would you recommend I try for these speakers. I was thinking 5-7K used. Would I do much better by going to 10-12K used? Thanks.
Just got back from the NY show, and Wilson is demoing the WATT/Puppy 7s with VTL 750 monoblocks. Of course they sounded good.
The Audio Research VTM-200 sounded great on my system and a friends. Compared to the ML 33H the bass was great... believe it or not.
I have to agree with Matt above. I'm a total tube guy who was running Jadis JA-100s with my 6s with total satisfaction until I demo'd the Halcro Dm58s. I had the good fortune to keep the Halcros for over 1 month and was utterly convinced that they exceeded their hype with ease. They have certainly made me re-think the whole tube vs. ss debate. The sorry state of my portfolio notwithstanding, they are on my wish list. They were so good I'd give serious consideration to Halcro's stereo version supposedly out soon.
I heard the new 7.0's with the VTL's at the Stereophile show and thought it sounded pretty bad, way too bright. That's funny because I actually have the Watt/Puppy 5.0's at home with the Levinson 334 and think they sound great.
I have WATT Puppy6's with a Krell FPB400CX stereo amp and i think it is one of the most glorious systems ive heard in quite a while. I like the Levinson amps, I own a 3 series front end as well, but the amps tend to be anemic on the bass side of things. A little more money but well worth it. Also, Krell tends to offer an upgrade path with their amps