Amps for Wilson Watt Puppy 6.0?

Calling all WP 6.0 owners...what amps would you recommend I try for these speakers. I was thinking 5-7K used. Would I do much better by going to 10-12K used? Thanks.
I heard the new 7.0's with the VTL's at the Stereophile show and thought it sounded pretty bad, way too bright. That's funny because I actually have the Watt/Puppy 5.0's at home with the Levinson 334 and think they sound great.
I have WATT Puppy6's with a Krell FPB400CX stereo amp and i think it is one of the most glorious systems ive heard in quite a while. I like the Levinson amps, I own a 3 series front end as well, but the amps tend to be anemic on the bass side of things. A little more money but well worth it. Also, Krell tends to offer an upgrade path with their amps
ML and Krell I have heard with Metal Drivers. They both performed great. I own NEAR's which use Inverted Tweeters also.