AMR CD-77 vs. Ayon CD-5 as DAC/USB & CD5 preamp

Do any of you have any experience with either the AMR CD-77 or the Ayon CD-5 as DACs via the USB port you can share?

Direct comparison would be fantastic, but individual descriptions would also be definitely helpful.

Also any experiences with the preamp section of the CD5 would be appreciated.

Thanks and enjoy the tunes,
You can connect it to your computer if you use an emperical audio offramp 3 or there pace-car. They are basically usb to spdif/xlr/I2S converters with high quality clocks. You will probably get a better sound by inserting one into your chain also.
I just got a Skylla DAC from Ayon and boy ho boy this is the best sounding, analog like DAC i have heard. Soundstage, dynamics, detail, sweet sound! I am so glad the guys at USA TUBE Audio introduced me to this wonderful unit as i was about to purchase another DAC ...