Chad, Joplin was a truly tragic tortured figure. She was quite insecure and conversely played out a role to cover up her perceived shortcomings. She couldn't conceal it in her performance, I saw her in 1969 and to this day I never saw a performance where an artist beared her soul for all to see in such a heart wrenching way, it was so tragic and sad to watch. I really was in tears during the performance, you could FEEL the pain she was in. She really was a quite complex person, extremely intelligent, well read but rarely revealed this side of herself. It seems her drinking and outrageous behavior was to cover up her personal issues, really sad man.
We can only speculate about what led Amy down her self-destructive path. Much has been written but who but those close, if even they, knew what was in her heart and mind to make the choices she did. What is indisputable to me is that she DID have an original talent which I discovered a few years back watching some of her youtube performances after reading so much about her personal problems. What is so tragic to me is that she didn't make it past this self-destructive period in her life, some do, many don't, it is just such a total waste witnessing this play out again and again.