Amy Winehouse.RIP

Passed away today in London.
Such a talent with sadly many demons.
Trej, you cant be serious and if you are I am glad we are likely to never meet because to blame those two men or even bring them up as some sort of connection shows your in need of serious mental help. I can only pray when you snap you dont hurt anyone.
There is a difference between the helpless and clueless, its not a shame to battle addiction, it is to celebrate it like some badge of honor and if you cant wrap your head around that, oh wait your too busy putting the blame on FOX news so how could I be so stupid to think you can?
I wish you well in your recovery. Cheers
Flowers already delivered.
The tv were interviewing her backing singers, and they are devastated that she has past away. They could not be of more praise for Amy and were in tears and they say there is not a nicer person you could meet(are you reading chaznliz?). There was no airs and graces about her, she actively encouraged them to take centre stage and treated them as the equals that they were.

The end of a personal relationship can have (as in this instance) have disastrous effects on ones mental health,
and can cause us to act irrationally, unless of course you are, the righteous and utterly divine chadnliz!LOL
Thank you for the update Godbless, and for giving us all a first hand account of the love felt towards her and by her, it tilts the balance away from superficial speculation, a good thing.
Paid backing singers saying great things about the boss on TV while obviously looking for a job? SHOCKING!
Amy Winehouse had more fun, and achieved more in her 27 years than the assholes on this forum will achieve in 20 lifetimes, and I'm gone; 10 four, over and out forever. Did you hear me "Shit house and Gutterphile".