An Integrated to replace Adcom 555II & 500II ??

I want to replace my GTP-500II tuner/preamp & GFA-555II amp combo for an integrated amp. My amp is 20 yrs old and has a high frequency distortion from the right channel. Fixing it seems silly since something else can go at anytime with either unit.

I happen to LOVE the sound of this combo (warm, powerful, crisp bass). I use it with Aerial 5s and a marantz CD-67II.

I wanted to spend between $1000 - 1500. Ideally even less. Maybe even a AV receiver that would do the job - but i tried a Harmon Kardon 10 yr old av receiver and it sounded much worse.

When Stereophile reviewed the Aerial 5 in 1997, they preferred driving it with a Classe CAP-100 integrated. Of course, you have lots alternatives 12 years later, but the reviewer said this:

"I must reiterate the 5's need for a substantial power amplifier: Don't even think about running the 5s with fewer than 50Wpc."

I agree with Darkmoebius. Most people don't find Adcom gear to be warm. Have you heard your speakers with anything other than Adcom and HK? I think you'll be surprised with their hidden potential. A better quality amp will offer a more refined and nuanced presentation. Certain amps are smoother and less fatiguing than others. Plinius 9100 is an excellent suggestion.

I realize tubes aren't for everyone and aren't always the best tool for the job, but I'm inclined to steer you toward a Cary SLI-80. There's one in the classifieds at the top end of your price point. I think it would be a sweet compliment with your speakers.
Hi Manto,there is a used Plinius 9100($1,500) and four MF A5's beteen $1,100-$1,500 for sale here on Audiogon. Also, a used MF A308($1,600)

Used Simaudio i-3 SE ($1,490) might be worth considering

Used PS Audio GCC-100
Manto, don't miss this. It came up today and won't last long. I have no affiliation with the seller.

CLASSE CAP-150 Integrated Amp
Yowsa, that's a screaming deal, Mingles.

Manto, jump all over that. Seriously, Classe makes some amazing gear and power is their trademark.