An Unusual Question -- Equipment Rental/Loans

I have an unusual question. Here's the deal.

My ARC Ref 5 will be shipped to the factory on Monday the 25th for the SE upgrade. I gather the Ref 5 will be tied up with ARC for at least two weeks. So, I'm minus a linestage which means I'm out of business for the duration.

The question is whether there's anyone out there who rents equipment for situations like mine. I would be looking to rent an ARC LS 27, a Ref 3 or a Ref 5. I live in the Philly area.

Thanks for the help.

Thanks for the kind offer JMC. But my hook-up to and from are all balanced. But I am very grateful for the kind offer.
Onhwy... wish I could. But between my SO, kids and job, my stereo is what keeps me fom climbing tall towers. And no, I do not work for the US Postal service.
Lostbears, you gave me an idea. I bought the Ref 5 off A'gon, but I bought my VS-115 and PH-8 from the same dealer. Maybe he'd do me a favor. If I don't ask, I know what the answer will be. Thanks.